Tuesday, February 3, 2009

London Lights: December 24, 2008

I arrived in London relatively early in the morning after a long adventurous bus ride and quickly made my way to the hostel to check in. After checking in and grabbing a quick breakfast, I went out to explore immediately. I took the undergroundand quickly went to the London Bridge and Tower where along the way I saw Ernst and Young, as well as the City hall which was very funkily shaped. I also saw the London Fortress and a huanted house called House of Doom or something tacky along those lines. Afterwards I went to see King's Cross Station. Later I found my way to the Chelsea Soccer Stadium, as well as one of the oldest Harley stores. I'd promised to find an awsome T-Shirt for my uncle while I was there but unfortubately arrived an hour too late but promised to make it back later that week. As it was getting late I made my way over to China town passing by Picadilly Circus along the way. In Chine town I took the suggestion of Fraser and ordered take out from an awsome restauraunt. Taking it home I found the chillies a little more then I could handle but enjoyed the meal none the less. It was at this point that I decided to make my way back to my room only to find my key didn't open the door to the room I'd been given. Going downstairs I talked with the desk to find that I'd been put into the wrong room. So I quickly threw my stuff together and left the room and moved into the other to meet my new roomate named Duffy. We hit it off and sat around chatting for a little while before we both decided to hit the hay wishing one another a Merry Xmas before turning out the lights and falling asleep.

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