Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Day After, December 26, 2008

My last day in London was a push to see as much as possible as I headed out quite early in the morning in search of several things. First I quickly went to where I thought the Wimbeldon stadium would be only to find out it wasn't where I thought it'd been located. Afterwards I made my way quickly to search for the infamous Abbey Road where the beatles took the photo for the appropriately titled album. Though once again my directions had been slightly off and so slightly defeated and feeling down I discovered to my great surprise a small pub where I grabbed a quick fish 'n' chips and a pint. After refreshing myself with food I made a quick stop at the Harley Store that had been closed the first time around and returned to the Chelsea stadium from earlier as well. If I'd had time I would've purchased tickets to the game that was taking place that day but instead I just made a quick stop in the store to purchase a gift for my dad and my youngest brother. Quickly I made a stop off at the Buckingham Palace where I watched as the guards stood their stillest only moving when they were scheduled to "march." It was all a neat show and after snapping a few shots I then made my way over to the London Eye as I'd scheduled a ride on the large enclosed ferris wheel. Along the way I stopped off in Westiminster Abby where I was able to see Parliment, Westminster Church and all the other beatiful buildings surrounding this area this of course included the most famous of London's buildings Big Ben.

After the pictures I made my way over and took a long ride on the London Eye while enjoying a cup of spiced/mulled/glu wine depending on who you talk to . After enjoying this I decided it was time to eat dinner and made my way over towards Hyde park where the Hard Rock Cafe was allegedly located near by. It was here I met Frosty Jack the snowman and claimed him as my boyfriend for the evening. We spent a lovely evening together in Hyde Park. But after walking around for a good hour and a half later I finally gave up on the search for the illusionary Hard Rock Cafe and hailed a cap to take me to the nearest underground station so I could head back. Along the way I got lost once more as the station nearest my hostel had been closed down for the day. After finally finding my way back I stopped of quickly to get a small dinner before calling it a night in the hostel and waking up at 3 am to get to the airport to catch a ride to Holland.

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