Thursday, February 12, 2009

Bienvenidos A Puebla

I arrived in Puebla to find it pleasently warmer then where I'd come from. I spent the first week here sorting out my classes as many of the one's I'd expected to be here and or pre-registered for were not here upon my arrival. We had our orientation where we took a tour of campus and then a tour of the city of Puebla on a double decker tour bus. I did my first shopping at walmart nearby for the new dorm room and started classes. After discusions with the director of the USAC program with all the missing credits we decided on allowing me to work at an internship at a local cancer center to receive three more college credits. And of course that first weekend we went to experience the club life of Mexico by going to Cholula where all the bars and clubs as well as the other university UDLA are all located.

The second week in Puebla I joined a tennis club where I'm receiving lessons for $55 for the whole semester. It was here that the girls from the last semester introduced us to some of their Mexican friends that also go to the University, it was this week I met Ivan, Ramon, Roberto, and Chepe who are all still relatively good friends as I continue to add more. We went to the local mall called Angelopolis where I tried mango beer (dangerous as it doesn't taste like alcohol) went once more to Cholula. We also went to the farmers market here where I saw everything fresh more then I could've imagined including fresh meat and every body part of every animal, cow hearts, livers, kidneys, anything was open to the imagination at the market and the imagination would not put a dent in the pocket book as we bought so much fruit and vegetables for less then 100 pesos which at the time and still is under $10. It was also here we got to see as a woman killed and defeathered chickens. It was this weekend that while going to take Liz to the doctor and Mariah to find out about soccer that we discovered the girls soccer team and here I decided to join and try something new by becoming becoming a member of the Ibero Girls soccer team. Making for an interesting first two weeks in Puebla.

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