Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Christmas In London, December 25, 2008

Being Christmas not much was open but Duffy and I slept in and awoke the next day setting out in hopes of finding a legitimate fish and chips restaurant where we could grab some good old fashioned fish and chips and a pint. unfortunately there were no places around open and after walking several long tedious miles through London we settled for eating at a delicious greek restaurant where I played it safe sticking to calamari. Afterwards we made our way back to the hostel and having slept in extremely late it was already beginning to get dark but we traversed the city in search of something good to do. Finding nothing we settled on buying lots of candies and spending the night chatting, eating sugar untill our teeth rotted and sipping on bacardi breezers. The whole seemingly boring was packed that I forgot what the day even was before night fell and we once more decided to hit the hay so that the next day I could race around the city and catch up on all I'd missed out on.

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