Friday, January 16, 2009

Final Day In Scotland

The final day in scotland had saved all the best for last. It was finally time for meet the infamous Fraser of Smart Recovery as I received a call on the cell phone that was much more pain then it was worth stating that he would be around today and would like to come pick me up and show me Inverness. As time had passed by relatively quickly already and my bus that evening was set to leave sometime around 8 we kept the sightseeing close. First we went to Lochness in search of Nessie. But instead of finding Nessie I found the story of a man who held a passion for the search of the mysterious monster of the lake. This man's name I do not remember but I do remember his story. For his passion he sold everything he owned and bought a small trailer house moving out to lochness and taking up permanent residence with his new lakeside estate. It was here he spent his days searching for clues and answers to the msytery that is Nessie. On his days not spent traversing through online photographs and lake watching he sells small figurines to support his dream and is always willing to tell his story to a wayward traveler willing to listen.

After a few snapshots lakeside in the chilling rain we were shortly entertained by a small boy who decided to make lochness his own personal swimming pool soaking himself through his thick winter jacket and to the bone. Gives me chills just thinking of it each time. After a few chuckles we went to a local shop where the traditional scottish goodies were sold where I received my very own Nessie to take home with me. On the way back we stopped off at the park I'd been in just the day prior to look at the christmas lights all lit up only to find out that a rather idiotic bunch of children vandalized the beautiful display ruining the goodtimes for all to come. Instead we took photos by the bridge that had luckily been left untouched. After this Fraser showed me the history of Inverness as well as his history showing me the town where he lived as a small boy. Along the ride around I saw a peacock up close and personal but unfortunately my camera had stopped working for the day and wasn't taking my own pictures. As we drove we stopped at a locals only like pub where I had my first real scottish ale named Mr. Snowballs.

After filling up on a pint of ale we went over to pick up Fraser's wife from work and went home for dinner where I tried several new items as well including haggus, scottish style stew, and whiskey. The haggus and the stew were both delicious and the rumor that Fraser's wife was an excellent cook held more truth then even I can explain. I'd never been so full in my life with so many delicious scottish delicasies. The whiskey was very strong but I enjoyed trying it and the pudding for desert was like a piece of chocolate heaven. A delicous ending to a wonderful time spent in Scotland as afterwards I was loading a bus and on my way to London.

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