Thursday, October 9, 2008

Muchos fotos!! (San Sebastian)

Jamil chilling on the left, Erica in the middle and me on the right. Erica made a comment that we look like super heroes... I thought that was funny.
All four of us at the top, Jamil, Gloria, me and Erica.
Gloria copied my idea!
Just me goofing off at the edge of the castle.
Wouldn´t this make a pretty picture, that is also at one of the edges of the castle that we climbed forever to get to.
There´s nothing behind her, but I was standing over a big gigantic hole to take this shot. Too bad she didn´t smile before I lost my balance and had to jump off. LoL.

the basque flag.
Erica and I enjoying the very narrow, and many more steps to the top.
I tried to get a shot of me with Jesus here but I couldn´t smile because the sun was in my face. :)
The sign once you reach the top.
The church inside the old fort/castle.

The cannon out front. We weren´t aloud to climb on it, I tried and got yelled at. :)
We were aloud to try on the hats inside though.
I think she looks cute don´t you?
Jamil doesn´t like to smile for pictures.
She wouldn´t put it on, everyone else did but Gloria was being super stubborn so I told her to just hold the thing then.

You wouldn´t know it but she´s standing on one of the leges of the castle. Nice background though huh.
This is the ocean that seperates us all right now... just thought you should know.
My feet... and the remenents of something they used in battle forgot what they called it though.
group shot about half way up the mountain.
Gloria did not like the narrow steps.

View from the top San Sebastian part 1
erica and I taking a rest after all those stairs.

Jamil and Gloria at church, this is when I decided to try catcholic mass.
Jamil and Gloria at the beginning of our journey. gloria still hadn´t finished her ice cream and was having a hard time climbing and eating at the same time.
The signs pointing us in the right/wrong way.
the steps of doom. Our discovered short cut.

The church near my new apartment.
Erica and I at the film festival.
The inside of the Buen Pastor church.
The HUGE organ in the church.
I thought the colors were pretty.

Surfing class. I´m of course the only girl next to me is Tom (my roomate), next to him is Markus (from Swedan), and Will.
This was Toms idea.
Picture of the sunset on the beach after lessons... so pretty.
The big lollipop sign that was the symbol for this years film festival.
This is the building where the awards ceramony took place.

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