Thursday, October 9, 2008

Fotos de la Gran Viaje (Bilbao y Barcelona!!)

The yummy nachoes we ate.
Gloria and Robin shopping at the stalls near by, Robin´s face is histerical.
Outside the stadium after the game.
The group that was outside playing music and we were dancing.
Another shot of the musical group.
the puerta to Sangrada Familia.
The Sangrada Familia or church of the knights templar

That´s the score at the end of the first half.
Just a shot of the whole team. I didn´t have to zoom too much to get this shot either... ;)
Another shot of the team.
Final score end of the second half.
Me after the game I´m all smiles what can I say I was happy.

Action shot, Barcelona is the blue and red btw.

Gloria was so happy she found a shirt with his name on it.
See how happy she looks.
Me again at half time, it´s kind of a funny looking picture though. But you can get an idea of where are seats were in this one too.

Gloria was debating whether or not to drink the jasmine shot at the chinese restaraunt cause she doesn´t drink alcohol period.
Me and my jasmine.
All four of us at the restaraunt.

The seats in the stands are yellow and spell out FC BARCELONA.

This is a pretty church we visited in Barcelona.
The puerta.
I was bored, he was smiling what more can I say.
Robin and her shot.
That´s a double but I´m not sure how to delete photos once I´ve put them up there.

Pretty indoor garden in the church right side.
Left side.
Robin and Erica on the Columbus steps.
Me and Gloria on the Columbus steps.
The pretty church.

Random wall in the plaza.
The pillars of the church.
This guy was playing abba songs on the panpipe outside the church.
The plaza.

This was in the ice cream store in the farmers market, looked good even at 8 in the monring.
She was so happy to find this stuff cause she´s been wantingto make real mexican tortillas for us all. YUMMY!
This is one of those men pretending to be statues sort of thing.
Same guy different angle.

This is the farmers market.
The ice cream store in the farmers market. Making you drool yet? Keep going down...
The aisles upon aisles of the farmers market.
the ice cream store.
Yes the ice cream store.

Water works outside the Guggenheim Museum.
Group photo outside the museum with the bridge in the background.
The sign.
My bus ticket.
The never ending steps to the hostel.

Illegal photo number one. The electrical things have words in Basque, English and Spanish running up and down them.
Illegal photo number two. They´re called statues of venus.
To the right of the museum down the river is the pretty bridge.
The church across the street of the museum.
To the left of the museum.

Grande Perrito made of flowers.
The museum
Big spider thingy.
I tried to take a photo with him, but wasn´t very nice.
Illegal photo 3.

Royal palace in Bilbao turned government building.
It looks like a pineapple.
The group I ate lunch with at the french spanish café.
Paella, yum.

Me and the old oak tree.
Cool graffitti.
Statue in the middle of Bilbao.
The cool metro system.
Shot of the pretty church from the bus.

Inside the oak building thingy.

Baby oak tree to replace the old oak tree.
Erica and Gloria look up and wave.
Pretty ceiling.