Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Beginning (Chicago Airport)

I sit here in the Chicago airport at what must be considered the beginning of my journey. 19 and I've decided to see the world... or as much of it as I can at least. This fall semester as an up and coming sophomore of Mount Union College I will be studying abroad in San Sebastian, Spain majoring in both Spanish and Japanese. From there it is planned that I will study abroad once more in Puebla, Mexico for the following semester. When I first described my travel plans to many a person they each had their own words or kind description of my ideas. I was told that I was a number of things from down right crazy to absolutely amazing, courageous, and everything in between. But the encouragement always seemed to fall short and things along the lines of "You're crazy," or "I could never do it," or "Just don't be stupid." became ever present in my mind. And as I have over 5 hours left to sit around in the Chicago O'Hare Airport these words begin to haunt my thoughts, and I wonder am I making a mistake? Thankfully though, those who have held meaning in my heart have been nothing but encouraging and their words are the ones that will have a lasting impression as I venture out alone into the world to find what it has to offer me. But part of me still wonders as to what I'll be missing out on back home. Home, where my loving family and friends will wait each day to hear from me. Wanting to know each new fun and exciting adventure I've taken during my time in various countries. For that I have created this story-like journal to recreate and describe every detail of the life I am about to live. Starting Wednesday August 27, 2008 things are officially nothing as I knew them to be and I will officially be "international." So this is for the curious, the thrill seeker, the adventurer, the book worm, and for anyone else willing to listen. Listen as you come as close to first hand as it gets, through the tales of the traveling student. Welcome to my life, my story. Enjoy...


Linda said...

Stef--God Speed--I will be checking in with your mom til you arrive at Matt & Wennie's in Holland! (and beyond!)May God bless and keep you, May His face shine upon you and be gracious unto to you, may He lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace! Whoo Hooo--Let me know how you like the windmills!! Linda (your mom's co-worker)

Nonnie said...

Hi Stef,
Have fun and be safe. Remember
what I said, Take me too!!!! I love your blog. Your Great Grandpa Thomas would be so proud of you. He loved to travel too!
Love you soooo much.
Nonnie and Papa